Sunday, February 26, 2012


I have a real treat for you today.  Or I had nothing current to blog about.  One of the two.  Anywho, here's some super sweet old school pictures of me.  Not to brag or anything, but I was super adorable as a young child.  Most of these pictures will reflect the extreme cuteness.  One, however, is not so cute.  Okay, I'll just post the pictures now and you can see for yourself.

Here I am the first summer after my birth with my grandparents in Indiana.

My mom was super stylish.

Ready for church.  Check out my mom's ginormous hair.

I love this one because Krissie literally looks like a tiny old person.  The way she's standing, her outfit, her hair, the giant glasses...

This was Scottie Bear.  I believe my dad won him for me at the fair.  I later changed his name to Jessica.  I'm assuming that was the case in this picture, since he's wearing a dress.  Eventually, I changed it back to Scottie.  But I'm sure he was forever confused about his identity.

How cute is this? Seriously.  Don't I just look like a sweet kid?  Yes.

This is when I played T-ball.  I've never been good at sports, but at least I looked good in my flower shorts and ruffled socks...

Krissie looks like Michelle from Full House.

Look at my long, skinny chicken legs.  Yikes.  I eventually grew normal human-sized legs...
 Here's when we looked like boys.  When my dad got home from work and saw our hair cuts, he said we looked like little Dutch boys.  This was at Seaworld.  Shortly after this picture, Krissie and I decided we had to sit in the splash zone for one of the shows, even though it was like 50 degrees.  We got drenched and cried all the way back to the car.

And just for kicks, here's a few pictures from Jesse's childhood.  Brace yourselves again, he was also super cute!

He was a naked cowboy!

I think this one looks like a Baby Gap ad.
He eventually grew into his hair.

2nd grade.

And my favorite,

3rd grade! Apparently he really wanted to wear his suit for picture day.
In conclusion, Jesse and I are going to have some pretty darn cute kids.  How could we not?  

Also, I don't want you to think I'm full of myself.  Shortly after these cute pictures I got glasses, stopped brushing my hair, started breaking out, and started wearing baggy t-shirts.  It wasn't pretty...


  1. Love all the pictures! Your smile today is just beautiful and cute as back then. Also, love the Jesse pictures, especially the 3rd grade and gap ad.

  2. Hahaha, I love that last paragraph :) Also, I love old pictures, yours are always great. Jesse's are fun too!

  3. Once again, an amazing post. I love these pictures. You guys will definitely have cute kiddos!

  4. You, my dear, are a nut. I love it!

  5. BTW, I will NOT be blogging. Just wanted to comment on yours. They are always hilarious and SO you. Not everyone knows what a nut you are like Krissie and I (and Jesse) do!

  6. i love these pics! how awesome! and you will have cute kiddos for sure!
