Monday, January 24, 2011

Crafting? Me? Yes.

So I decided to make my mom a birthday present this year and be crafty.  I thought,  a homemade gift is more personal, and of course, cheaper.  NOT.  It ended up costing more than I originally thought it would, but I enjoyed making it, so I guess it all evened out.  Here's some pictures.

It's a ribbon poinsettia wreath.  I'll spare you the details on how I made it.  I got the idea from Kourtney over here on Pile o' Craft.   So go there if you want to learn the how-to.  You should go there anyway.

Oh yeah, and the cost.  So JoAnn is a rip off and four yards of 1.5" wide ribbon is $3.49 and I used four of those, two spools of 7/8" ribbon to cover the wreath, two containers of pins which were like 4 bucks each, the wreath itself was seven dollars, and I stole a needle and some thread from my mom's sewing box...  I recommend buying ribbon online in bulk if you want to do this.


  1. It looks beautiful :) I am finding the same thing about sewing... fabric is so expensive unless you buy it for 75% off or so that it is just cheaper to buy things...

  2. This looks AWESOME!! it's really cool. Great Job!

  3. It looked amazing when you brought it over! You're quite the craft queen these days lady. Also, crafting is deceptively expensive. But once you get a little hoard of craft supplies...then you can do projects for "free". Well, it seems free, when you're using left over stuff... I hope your Mom liked it!

  4. For what it's worth (a lot, it sounds like!) I LOVE it! It has a permanent place on my wall, as you know, now that I have my own house.
