Saturday, October 1, 2011

I'm Very Clumsy

I don't really have much interesting stuff to blog about.  But I need to blog more often.  Some of you might remember about 7 years ago, wow.  I'm getting old.  Anyway, the week before senior year started, I fell off a sidewalk and broke my foot.  I had surgery, and now I have two little screws in said foot.  And it bugs me all the time.  I'm pretty sure I have arthritis.  Ok, that's a little off topic.

Anywho, the point is that I'm super clumsy.  Tuesday I came home for lunch.  We have been having problems with gnats in the kitchen, and they won't go away! A week after we moved into our current place, Jesse discovered some bird poop on top of one of the kitchen cabinets.  Weird, right?  Well, we called maintenance and assumed it was taken care of.  So Tuesday, while I was eating my burrito, I noticed there were a couple gnats flying around.  We've had fly paper hanging up for a while, and it had caught a lot of them, so I was getting a little t.o.'d.  I decided to climb up and see if maybe there was still some poop. Sure enough, there was.  Gross.  Anyway, I turned a little bit, and got the darn fly paper stuck all up on my arm and in my hair.  I couldn't get that nasty adhesive off, and just walked around the rest of the day sticky.  Then I got in the car to go back to work.  Right after I pulled out of the complex I remembered that I left my pb&j sandwich on the counter.  I go straight from work to class three nights a week, so pb&j is my dinner.  And Nutrigrains are my mid-class snack.  I turned around and grabbed my sandwich and Nutrigrain, and headed back out.  Then I fell down the stairs.  I was wearing heels, so I'm pretty sure that's what tripped me up.  My foot got caught and kind of twisted and since I had something in each hand, I didn't do a very good job of catching myself.  I grabbed the railing, subsequently crushing my Nutrigrain, but still body-slammed my whole left side into it.  I scraped up my arm, hurt my ribs, and hardcore skinned my knee.  Through my pants.  But my pants didn't rip.  Anyway, I felt dumb, and my knee still hurts.  I ripped a few layers of skin off.  And it looks gross.  But surprisingly, it didn't bruise, and the only pain has been from the ripped-off skin.

Other than that, school is stressful.  Netflix has too much stuff to distract me.  Mad Men makes me feel like a women's rights activist.
Oh, and Jesse and I are trying to be healthier.  We don't have much time to go to the gym, but we try to go a few nights a week.  We got a new blender so we can make hummus and smoothies.  And Jesse bought out all the supplements Walmart has to offer.  haha.  It's not the first time.  He also bought three giant bags of frozen fruit and a big thing of yogurt.

Not pictured: The soluble fiber Jesse ordered online.  It has not come yet...

This is what he came home with a few months back.

So I guess I had more to blog about than I thought.  I was trying to upload a few other pictures, but it's being dumb.  So I'll save that for later.


  1. Wow. That is why I stopped wearing heels: heels+me+stairs=not good :) Good job on being healthier!

  2. oh no tanya! isn't that so weird that you can get scraped through cloth? that's happened to me before, i'm glad your pants didn't get ruined! we just got some flax seed too!

  3. That story makes my body hurt. I'm so sorry!! Those stairs are deadly. :(
    But those supplements look intense. Way to go! That is a lot of flaxseed. I hear its really good for controlling appetite though. Let me know how it goes!
