Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Cavrins and Camping. Well, Sorta...

So on Saturday, Jesse and I were in Marianna, and we decided we should go visit the cavrins before I get any more pregnant.  Yes, I know it is spelled and pronounced caverns, but the first time I ever went there, the old tour guide kept saying cavrins and it was awesome.

So let me back up.  We drove to Marianna Friday night so Jesse could mow the yard for his parents on Saturday.  He likes to help out.  When we got there, we discovered that the water would not turn on.  Yikes. So no bedtime shower.

The next morning Jesse got up super early and mowed the lawn.  Then we ran to the bank and got some oil for the car.  I started talking about the caverns and we decided we really should go.  I expressed my concern with my utter disgustingness, since we were not able to shower.  Jesse jokingly mentioned that the state park camp grounds have showers.  I latched on to that idea.  So, we decided to shower at the park.  Jesse changed the oil, we went and grabbed some Firehouse, and bought some close-toed shoes.  We didn't want to be sliding around in a cave wearing flip flops.

We got to the state park, bought our tickets for an hour later, and headed to find some showers.  It was wonderful.  I really like to be clean, and the showers there were pretty nice.  After our lovely showers, we headed to the cave.  We bought candy bars to eat right before the tour, because at this point, it had been a while since we had eaten our subs.  I did pretty well most of the time, but toward the end I started to feel nauseous from a lack of eating recently.

Jesse took about 70 pictures with his phone, but I won't post them all here.  Just some of his favorites.  We had a super fun time, and I'm glad we went now, because there were definitely some tight squeezes!

 I think this was the one that looked like the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

 I think this was from the wedding room.  Where people actually get married. (Correction: Jesse informed me this is not the wedding room.  Apparently his pictures of the wedding room didn't turn out too well).

More cave stuff.

Anyway, it was a fun little trip!  I'm glad we went ahead and did the tour.  We went on the tour a few years ago with a few other people before we dated, but we hadn't been back together. 

After the caves, we got ready to head back to Tally.  We stopped at Ruby Tuesday and had lovely steak 'n shrimp and steak 'n lobster dinners.  I had the shrimp, not lobster.  Once we were back in Tally, we stopped at Lowe's and Home Depot so Jesse could buy some stuff for science experiments...


  1. Okay, you're making me want to go to the cavrins. It's been a few years! Also, why isn't the water working at the house?? That does not bode well.

    And you can't just leave us hanging at Science Experiments!! What's going on over there??

  2. I love the cavrins too!! Chris and I went with Seth and Melissa when we were all still dating and it was weird because we were in the back of the tour and then this random guy, who's family was in front of us felt like he had to be close behind us. We thought that he thought we were going to touch the stalagtites and stalagmites (excuse the spelling) HAHA. OH well it was way cool though.

    Yes do tell about these science experiments!!
