Monday, June 11, 2012

Names and Stuff

Jesse and I have finally decided on a name!  Yahoo.  Baby boy will be named Nathaniel Spencer Hansen.  Nathaniel is Jesse's middle name.  Spencer is a name I found while perusing Jesse's ancestors.  When I saw it I just said the name together and I loved it!  Jesse also liked Nathaniel Clark (I liked it too), but I think Nathaniel Spencer is just a teeny tiny bit more awesome!  I know it's a long name with lots of syllables, but hopefully our kid will be really bright so he can learn how to spell it.  haha.  We will probably call him Nathan most of the time.

Oh, and no offense, but I asked for suggestions on FB, and got some really, uh, interesting suggestions.  Some of them were downright disturbing, and I hope some people were joking (and not the obvious ones.  I realize Henry Custard and Sufjan Bartholemew were jokes).  I won't say which ones I hated, because that would be rude, but I think I just have very picky taste in names.

Other than that, the Zofran seems to be helping.  My nausea is not nearly as bad as it was and I haven't thrown up since I've been taking it.  I'm really hoping to be able to get by without meds at all soon, but since we have our big work conference THIS WEEK, I might just have to wait another week to try it out.

Other than that, not much is going on.  I got released as Primary Chorister.  I think they pitied me and my sick self.  I probably wasn't a lot of fun for the kids these last few months.  Also, I thought maybe I felt Nathaniel move last night, but I probably just imagined it.  Hopefully soon I'll know for sure!

I'm starting to poke out pretty noticeably, even from the front!  The ultrasound lady at The Prenatal Experience said my uterus is really protruding out from my pelvis or something.  She said that's why I'm showing so much for not that far along.  Thanks, I didn't realize I was showing that much...  Oh well, at least I know it's not fat.  I'll leave you with a few pics from 16 weeks:


  1. Oh yeah definitely baby belly! I love the name. We're lameos but we have names already picked out for future children and some have that same multiple syllables thing too.

    I'm not going to lie, I'm excited to have you in Relief Society!! We're getting lots of "younger" women back so it's exciting. =)

  2. I love the name! It flows very well! I think it was a couple days after i hit 16 weeks that I felt Adrian move so its probably little Nathan thay you felt! It's so awesome when the feeling gets stronger :) you look so cute eith your baby bump!

  3. glad the zofran is helping! enjoy your time off having a calling!
    love the name! way to keep it in the family! and i love your shirt in these pics!

  4. Love the name so much!!! It's original, but not weird. A hard balance to strike, you know :)
