Thursday, April 25, 2013


So over the past two weeks, I've had three very vivid, very weird dreams about Nathaniel.  First, I had a dream that I looked over and he was walking around.  He wasn't wobbly or anything, and he was exactly the age and size he is now.  Then a couple nights later, I had a dream he could say "mama."  And he said it a lot.  The weirdest dream was a couple nights ago when he could talk again.  But this time, he talked in full sentences, and he wanted ice cream.  The place we were at only had vanilla and strawberry, and he was not okay with that.  When I asked him what kind he wanted, he said "cheesecake" like four times in a row.  And then he spit up, and I told him we'd go find him some cheesecake ice cream once he was done spitting up.  It was weird.  But, maybe it's a premonition that he'll be walkin' and talkin' soon.  I do seem to have dreams that come true.  I had two dreams that Nathaniel was a boy before we found out, and I was right!

But first, he should probably master sitting...


  1. Crazy dreams! Especially the cheesecake ice cream one. I like that you said he had to finish spitting up before you went to go look for some. haha Too Funny!

  2. aren't dreams the weirdest! sometimes i'm too embarrassed to tell people my dreams because they are so bizarre and dont even make sense!

  3. I have dreams like that too! Especially about Henry talking. He'll just come up and start speaking in full sentences, and then I'll wake up and be like, oh man, he can't even talk, and be totally bummed.
