Monday, April 29, 2013

6 Months Already??

How can six months already have passed since I pushed out a baby!??!  It's unbelievable!  My little man just keeps growing and growing and doing more stuff.  He is so wild.  He cannot sit still.  Ever!  When we go to a restaurant, he usually sits calmly in his car seat until the food comes.  So I either eat one-handed, or we just pass him around.  He wants to stand up, sit down, look over there, bend over, stand up again, grab this, grab that... It's crazy!

He still hates tummy time, but we've made a bit of progress, and he pushes up really well.  He is also really good at rotating his body in a circle while on his tummy.  Sometimes he even scoots forward with his feet, but his face is usually on the blanket when he does that...

He can sit on his own for a short period of time before he gets excited and jumps, therefore falling backward. Or he reaches too far for a toy and goes to one side.  But in that scenario, he usually just ends up on his tummy and then rolls to his back.

He's close to rolling from back to tummy.  He rolls up onto his side, but then I think he realizes what will happen if he keeps going.  haha.

He has been sleeping so much better at night!  I get him down around 8 or 8:30 and he sleeps until 7 or 7:30 with one wake-up.  Sometimes no wake-ups at all.  Which brings me to a question: when your baby sleeps through the night, do you get up and pump, or just spend the night engorged until things calm down?

Oh, and I decided it was probably time to wean from the Woombie.  I had the brilliant idea to do it cold turkey.  After he screamed for an hour straight, with no end in sight, I nursed him and put the Woombie back on him.  I unzipped it a little bit and have been doing that for a few nights.  He seems to be doing well with gradually moving his arms out.

Baby boy had his check-up today. The stats are a little crazy.  Head size: 44.2 cm and 68th percentile.  Height: 26 1/4 inches and 45th percentile.  Weight: 15 lbs 7 oz and 18th percentile.  So, he doesn't sound very proportional, but he looks normal to me!  As for that big head, it's to house his giant brain.  haha. The doctor said his weight was fine, he's just lean.  Random strangers keep telling me he's huge.  He really isn't.

Anyway, this post is getting wordy, so I'll just finish off with a slew of super cute pictures of my half-a-year-old man!

He tried a lemon.

Swimming!  Even though the water was too cold for Mommy, Nathaniel loved it!

Hanging out with Daddy.

Sweater vest!

He loves Chewbeads.

He will not stay in the wrap!

He started with his head at the opposite side.  And the zipper on the Woombie was in front of him...

Daddy's hair is tasty!

He loves math!

He likes to sit up for a short time on his own.

Rockin' out.

Rompers are the best!

Riding in the cart was a little crazy...

Those cheeks!

He loves Daddy!

He just wants to drive already.

Workin' hard.

Carrots were not a hit...


  1. Get a bib on that kid! Lol Ellie didn't like carrots either!

    As for the nursing at night, I'm still nursing once a night so I'm not sure. I would rather nurse than be engorged, so I'm probably not a good reference. As long as both Ellie and I go right back to sleep--I'm ok nursing once a night.

    He's a cutie!!

  2. 6 months already?! so crazy!!
    eating at a restraurant becomes so much easier when they can eat a few table scraps!
    also, we feed liam his dinner in just a diaper! saves so much laundry because dinnertime apparently means playtime! we just toss him in the bath tub afterwards!

  3. Yeah, I always forget to put a bib on him at dinner and he goes straight into the bath afterward. I guess it would be better to strip him before food!

    As for the nursing, Sunday night he slept from 8:30-7 and I ended up with a blocked duct after that, so I guess I should not go the whole night... OUCH
