Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Long Overdue Post--Nathaniel is 7 Months (and some change...)

So, I've been a little busy lately, and now that Jesse is taking online classes for the summer, I have very little time with our only good laptop.  And it's my sister's old laptop she gave me when she got a new one. haha

Anywho, Nathaniel turned 7 months.  He's such a big boy!  He loves rolling from back to tummy now!  And he even sleeps on his tummy, bum in the air.  It's pretty funny since he despised tummy time for so long.  He tries desperately to crawl, but hasn't quite coordinated his movements.  He does move around in circles very well, and he travels all around his crib at night.  Basically, he's a wild man who can't sit still.  He must always be jumping.  Going out to restaurants is hard because he's up, down, over there, squat, stand up, jump.  But, he's getting used to sitting in high chairs now.  And now that he's on solids and eats when we eat, he doesn't get so mad.

Nathaniel looooves his solid foods.  His favorite things to eat are bananas, sweet potatoes, turkey with sweet potatoes, apple & chicken, and mangoes.  He loves the puffs and Cheerios too.  I think those little mesh feeders are the best invention ever.  If we're in the car for a while, we just stick some banana in there and it keeps him occupied for a long time.  But then everything within a 5-foot radius becomes all sticky and slimy.  haha.

Other than that, he popped up his first tooth (finally) on Sunday morning.  He doesn't seem to be extra fussy from it.  Just the usual fussiness...  Every once in a while he does seem to cry in pain from his gums, and he rubs everything across that tooth: toys, clothes, fingers, even his feet.  That's pretty funny to watch.

He met his little cousin Amelia.  He doesn't really tend to notice other babies much, so he was more interested in jumping and playing with blocks.  haha.  And next to Amelia, he looks like a giant!

He also got to spend time with his grandpa, great grandma, great grandpa, and great great grandma.  She just turned 99!  We got a five-generations picture.

Oh, and he loves swimming.  Even if the pool is freezing cold.  And he enjoyed the beach, just not driving to and from the beach.

Can't think of much else right now.  We are getting ready to drive down to Orlando for five days for my conference.  Hopefully he's cooperative.  He stopped coming to work with me this week so I'm starting up the daytime pumping.  And it's kinda pathetic compared to my old supply.  Hopefully it picks back up soon.

I'll leave you with some pictures.  Unfortunately, I lost my phone and no one returned it and it had a lot of pictures on it.  Luckily, I already emailed some of them or uploaded them to Photobucket.

Cousin Amelia
Sailor baby!
5 Generations


  1. Such a big boy!! My favorite pictures are the last two. That little bum in the tub is so precious! And what the heck with sleeping sideways?? Such a funny boy!

    It stinks that your phone was stolen. :(

  2. he is hitting all of the milestones!! crawling is next! he looks so long in the last picture!!

  3. You're a trooper to start pumping again. I haven't pumped in months and I can't imagine starting up again after my milk regulated. He is getting so big! What a cutie pie.

  4. yes this was a long overdue update! tooth! alright! growing up! i need to see him in real life too! good luck at your conference!
