Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Many Faces of Nathaniel

This boy keeps us laughing with all the faces he makes.  My favorite is his current favorite.  He pokes out his bottom lip like he's pouting, but he's perfectly happy.  Sometimes he takes it a step further and sucks that weird lip thing in a bit, like a fish face.  Of course, it's extremely difficult to get pictures of him doing this, but I think I got one good one.  And a lot of other good shots.
This is the face!

 So happy to go swimming!

 He always has to put his legs up on things.  

He's a cool dude.

This is probably my favorite.  It looks like he's feeling the music.


  1. That last one is hilarious! Also, in some pictures he looks exactly like Jesse, but in others he looks like your dad (minus the beard...)!

    1. That totally reminded me of a few pics I forgot that I just added. With food all over his face it looks like a beard and he looks like my dad!

  2. Krissie and I thought the same thing...the second messy face one down looks JUST LIKE your dad!! Did you send it to him? I bet Grandma would like to see it!

  3. Haha I thought the same thing on that last one. It's like he is playing air guitar. I'm guessing he is familiar with Van Halen. Also I think in that third one he looks like a club bouncer. I don't know why, but I can just see it
