Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Nathaniel is 8 Months!

I can't believe we are just four months away from a year!  It's ridiculous.  This boy is a wild man.  He wants to be everywhere at once.  He wants to stand up, sit down, look over there, turn around--it never stops!  He started crawling a week shy of 8 months.  He looks pretty funny when he does it, but he's starting to really get the hang of it.  If I want him to move fast, I just hold out my phone and he throws himself across the living room to get it.  Still loves technology.  He still has just the two teeth that popped up last month and they are like little shark teeth!  He's been pretty good about nursing, but he has bitten me three times.  OUCH.

He goes to spend the weekdays with my mom and sister.  He loves to go swimming and yell at the cats.  He is getting better about his naps and is all-around a happier guy.  He laughs and laughs and laughs.  I think his daddy gets the most laughs out of him.  He is always more ticklish for daddy.  He likes dogs now, too.

Crawling to Luna
He wanted to eat her hair.  He loves hair.

He still loves bath time and can sit up in his tub now.  He's been trying to pull up on the side of the bathtub and almost climbs out sometimes.  He has perfected rolling and does a combination of rolling and crawling to get what he wants.  He eats solid food like a champ.  He can down two of the 2nd stage foods in one sitting.  After nursing.  Must be all the activity.  He just burns all those calories.

He is extremely difficult to nurse now.  He gets so distracted.  If someone talks, he stops and looks around.  If there is a light on the ceiling, he stops and stares at it.  Luckily, he nurses really well when he first wakes up and one time during the night, otherwise I would really worry about his intake.  I'm pumping at work and he's doing pretty well with bottles again, although I guess sometimes he fights to take even 2 ounces.

He rambles all the time.  It's the cutest thing.  The other day in the car he even talked himself to sleep.  He's discovering all the new sounds he can make.  His favorite thing to do is shriek like a girl.  It's like nails on a chalk board.

Oh, he also loves the straps and buckles on everything.  He will sit and play in his car seat, high chair, or booster seat for a long time.  It's helpful because I can feed him his dinner and then take the tray off his booster seat and let him play while I eat my dinner.


He's wearing mostly 6-month clothes and he's still in size 2 diapers.  Now that he's getting even more active, I don't see him moving up sizes very rapidly.


 Killer bed head and sitting in his booster:

Red Elephant:
He wanted to lay on the table...

 Grammie's House:

 He loves music:

I went in to check on him, and this is how he was sleeping.


  1. 8 months! Already! He's such a cute little man. And that last picture of him sleeping is hilarious. Classic Nathaniel.

  2. can't believe how fast time is flying! he's such a cutie! so much personality and spunk!
