Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Evelyn's Second Month

Two Month Stats:
Weight: 13 pounds 1 ounce (90th %)
Height: 23 1/4 inches (85th %)
Head Size: 39.8 cm (90th %)

I like to call her Chubbs. She has the cutest little thigh rolls and chub and it just kills me! Her cheeks are so squishy and kissable. I just love her! She just keeps growing and growing and gets sweeter every day. She moved into 3 month clothes pretty quickly, and they fit her so perfectly. She loves to smile and make adorable little sounds. She wakes up smiling. What's that about? She still has her colicky, fussy evenings, but overall, is way less of a screamer than Nate was.

She finally started to like her swing. She absolutely loves to stare up at the little birds and her reflection. She takes lots of naps in her swing. She sleeps quite a bit, actually. She sleeps for a good chunk of the day. She sleeps well at night as long as she is in bed with me. Whenever she wakes up, I just nurse her and go back to sleep before she has a chance to freak out. So far, it's working out well for all of us because no one has to sit up until 3 in the morning with a cranky baby.

She is getting better about being in her car seat. She still gets mad when we strap her in, but now she spends some of our car trips awake and just looking around. If she wakes up in the car hungry, though, she will scream until we get home.

She isn't a snuggler. I was kinda hoping for one this time, but she loves to be sitting upright, looking around. She also loves to stand and has super strong little legs. She can push herself up pretty well and hold herself up with minimal assistance.

She is getting very interested in her surroundings and loves to look around all the time. Sometimes she just stares at Nate and the look on her face is hilarious. She knows he's a wild child. But I'm sure soon enough she'll be joining his shenanigans.

We just love our little Evelyn.


  1. Sweet baby girl! I am sure she just does not know what to think of Nate. He is something else. He will be her best friend, though!

  2. I do love those chubby cheeks! It's so good to hear that she is a good sleeper. A nice break from baby Nate =)
