Friday, November 19, 2010

Expecto Patronum!

Or, "Patronus!", as Jesse liked to say (in a high-pitched British accent, I might add) when shouting spells at me.
So, Jesse, Krissie, and I went to the midnight premier of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1.  It was tons of fun.  Jesse even got into it.  Here's a slew of pics from the event.

I made ghetto scarves out of cheap fabric from Walmart and some paint.  They looked legit, though!

Me and Harry.

We decided to duel.  This is when Harry yelled, "expellerarmus!" (high-pitched voice again). It was quite funny.

Krissie was Luna Lovegood.  Radish earrings and all.

Waiting for the movie!! We only sat there for 2 1/2 hours.  Krissie printed out those Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and S.P.E.W. badges for us and found the glasses for two bucks!

Did I mention all three of us were sick?  All three of us were sick.  Krissie supplied the cough drops, tissues, Dayquill, and water bottles.  I brought candy, chips, popcorn, and made sandwiches (which we didn't end up eating).  We weren't gonna pay those ridiculous movie-theater prices!

I just love this picture.  Really captures the true Harry Potter.

We entertained ourselves with our high-tech interweb phones, and Jesse, I mean, Harry, even found an app that had Harry Potter 7 trivia to get us ready.

And then I played the Harry Potter theme on my flute.  Which was actually my wand.  Which i made out of construction paper and scotch tape.

So anyway, the movie was great.  They left out TONS of stuff that I felt was important, even if it was just small details, but I knew what I signed up for going into it.  We got out of the movie at 2:30 am, but sat in the parking lot for ages.  By the time we got to bed it was already after 3.  When 7:30 rolled around the next morning, we were not feeling happy.  But I think the long, tired, sick day at work was totally worth the midnight showing.


  1. oh my goodness yall are awesome!!!!!!

    your sweaters/scarves/wand all look so legit! i really thought you bought harry potter sweaters haha.

    smart move with the painted scarf, there's no stoppin your crafty side now!

  2. Craft level 15, I'm sure. Just shooting up those ranks aren't you?
    haha--I love the outfits so, so much. I'm sure the loss of a little sleep was worth it.
    I wanna invite myself to see part two with you guys, if only to dress Cory up as a centaur. :)

  3. Hahaha, that looks like fun! Except the sick part :) A+ on the costumes!
