Monday, July 30, 2012

Super Baby!

We've gotten tons of baby clothes!  The other day, I washed them all so I could get them put away in the new dresser.  I washed four loads!  He already has more clothes than Jesse.

Here they are all stacked up according to size.  Tons of cute stuff.  I am getting soooo antsy for this baby to get here.  Every time I look at his tiny little clothes, I just get so excited!!  Also, maybe I'm a little weird, but I started to get kind of sad the other day that he's going to grow up so fast and won't be my teeny little baby for very long.  And I still have about 3 1/2 months till my due date... yeah.  Pregnancy makes weird thoughts come into my head.

I'm pretty sure little Nathan is going to be a super hero.  Here's some of the clothes we've gotten recently:

 Made by Lindy.

 Made by Jesse's mom's friend.

Made by Jesse's mom.  It's an exact replica of the one she made for him when he was little.

So cute.  And check out Lindy!

Jesse's mom also sent him us this cute blanket for Jesse's birthday:

Other than that, my belly is certainly growing.  Baby boy is kicking me lots.  I think he's dancing or doing gymnastics in there.  It's pretty cool.  Here's a pic of me at 24 weeks.  I decided to start taking belly pics on Sundays since it's pretty much the only day I put on make-up, wear a cute outfit, and fix my hair.  I don't know why, but I just really like this picture:

Oh, and p.s., I found this little gem in my pictures folder.  It's titled "Jesse's Conscience."  Hmmm...


  1. Ha! Nate is def. going to be a super hero. Also, is it okay if I call him Nate every now and then? It feels like he's already my buddy...
    The thing I love most about those picture of us dressed up is that it was definitely not Halloween. Just a regular day. Dressed up like a ballerina and superman. No big deal.

  2. Call him Nate all you want! I don't mind.
    And why wouldn't you guys wear those awesome costumes on a regular basis? I would have...
