Thursday, January 24, 2013


So, as I probably should have expected, I've been getting a lot of unwanted/unwarranted "advice" about raising Nathaniel.  Not as extreme as the crap people have been giving Kristen, but annoying enough.

I guess some of it's my fault for opening up about my life, but still, some people are rude.  I have occasionally felt like I was being accused of being a bad mother.  Maybe I'm just overly emotional and misunderstand things, but I can't really help that right now.  Don't get me wrong, I've gotten lots of good advice, too.  When I post things on my blog or Facebook, I know I have to expect some advice.  I appreciate helpful advice from other moms who have experienced similar things. 

Some of the things I've felt judged about are trying to give my baby some small sense of a routine, taking him in public, letting him cry, feeding him whenever he's hungry, and not using a pacifier. 

I'm so sick of people acting like I'm crazy when I mention trying to get a nightly routine going for Nathaniel.  I'm not saying I'm going to schedule out every aspect of his life, but I'm going crazy over here.  I work full-time, so I can't just sleep when he sleeps.  I wish I could.  I don't get naps.  Believe me, if I were in any position to stay home, I would be staying home.  I wouldn't be as concerned about his crazy night time sleep schedule, but when I have to go to work all day and listen to him scream at me all day while trying to work, a 2 am bed time is not gonna cut it.  I've actually had some good advice from other moms about the night time routine, and we're currently using that advice.  Just hoping that things calm down soon.

I won't go on about the public thing, but when he was younger, I got a lot of crap about taking him around other people.

Now that he's almost three months, I really don't feel like a bad mother for letting him cry sometimes.  Part of his nightly routine includes him falling asleep nursing, being swaddled and put to bed, then waking up and screaming like he's being tortured.  Sometimes he does this screaming before we even put him down.  But after a while, I can't sit there and listen to a baby scream in my face.  If we let him cry it out a bit while getting ready for bed, showering, and whatever else needs to be taken care of at night, then he tends to wear himself out and fall asleep.  And he's going to cry whether I'm holding him or not,

Nathaniel nurses a lot.  It's a little bit ridiculous.  It does get a little old, but if the kid is really hungry, I'm going to feed him.  I've had people tell me to stop feeding him.  I find that strange.  I am trying to get him to go a little longer between feedings so that he doesn't keep up this routine of eating every hour some parts of the day, but if he is hungry and actively nursing, I'm not going to stop.  I don't want to listen to more screaming...

Okay, so the weirdest thing to me is the weird responses I get when I say Nathaniel won't take a pacifier.  I don't see this as a bad thing.  I actually had only planned on giving it to him at night and during naps, and I had no intention of him keeping it past a few months.  When I tell people he doesn't take it, they tell me I need to try different kinds, blah, blah, blah.  We tried two different types of pacifiers.  In the first 3 months of his life he maybe took a pacifier like 3 or 4 times.  He doesn't like it.  He gags or starts screaming louder if we try to give it to him when he's fussing.  He sucks on his fists, and that doesn't bother me.  People seem to think that if he's acting hungry, sucking on his fists, or starts to just barely get fussy, then he must need a pacifier.  I don't agree.  If he's hungry, he needs to eat.  If he's starting to fuss, then let him fuss a little.  He needs to learn to self-soothe a bit.  And just because he starts to fuss a bit, it doesn't mean he's going to have a crazy fit.  I like to give him a chance to calm down, and shoving a pacifier in his mouth just makes things worse.  I don't want him to get the idea that any time he makes noise I'm going to shut him up.  And I don't go around judging other people for letting their kids walk around with a pacifier in their mouth 24/7 when they are way too old for it, so why do people make such a deal of this?  He's not the first kid to reject a pacifier.  I won't get into my views on pacifiers on here because I don't want to offend anybody, but if my kid won't take one, I'm kind of glad.

Speaking of sucking on his fist...

I just thought this was funny.


  1. Haha. Oh those lovely unwanted parenting advice. The best advice anyone has ever given me was just to follow my instinct. Don't listen to people; I am a little mean and just think the majority of people don't know what the heck they are talking about. I get most of my information from my own reading or current research and then I alone decide what's best for us. My first son never ever ever cried unless he needed something, so I NEVER let him cry; my little heart also could not stand his crying. He also never took a pacifier no matter how much we tried, but he never really needed it because he NEVER cried. Now this new baby, oh boy. He cries ALL THE TIME. He screams and screams no matter what I do so sometimes I have to put him down for my own sanity. Anyway, my point is that you will have to do what you're comfortable with and what will make you the best mom because chances are, your mothering style might change for each child.

  2. I feel ya! The unwanted advice drives me crazy!! I work about 50-60 hours a week, and start work at 5am 3 days a week, so yeah my baby's bedtime is 7:30. I let her cry while we're getting ready for bed. Then she screams while I'm singing/rocking her to sleep. There is NOTHING wrong with it. Keep up your good work! You're raising a cute little man! BTW the worst piece of unwanted advice came today. A patient told me "Don't put away you chemicals or cleaning supplies and do nothing to babyproof. If God wants your child to grow up then he'll give your child the protection to adapt to the current surroundings. You can't let your kid run your life." Um WHAT?!?!? For real? Thanks, but she can keep her advice to herself.

  3. What a cute baby! One of the greatest things I read said basically you are the parent, you have mother instincts so you go with what you feel is best for your baby regardless of the trends or what anyone else says. So, go you! :) People seem to figure that whatever worked for them will work for everyone else and that their opinions are for everyone. That is always the way it works :) Ha, anyway, people will never stop giving you advice about parenting :)

  4. Okay- the advice Lindsey got is seriously the worst advice I've ever heard! I hope I don't make you feel like that ever. From what I can see parenting is hard. Everyone has to figure out what works and maybe some people just get excited that they figured something about their kid out and want to share their joy?? Ha I dunno. Nathaniel is healthy and adorable. You have some very specific challenges and you're handling them! What else can you do? Try not to let the advice givers bother you, I suppose :) good luck with that!! Ha :) can't wait to have my own unwarranted advice stories to share soon :)

  5. First of all, Henry hasn't taken a pacifier either, and people tell me I'm lucky that we won't have to wean him off of it. Plus he's more likely to talk and there's not as much of a danger of his teeth growing in sideways.
    Second, I should share with you my favorite bit of advice I've received. We were driving a woman to church over the summer, and she asked why we don't put shoes on Henry. I explained that he was just learning to stand, and that keeping him barefoot is better when he's learning to walk. She said, "Is that what you think? Well, black people think shoes are good for you." So always remember that. Black people think shoes are good for you.

  6. Yeah, Megan, those were some of the same things I thought about the not taking a pacifier. Also, I've now got some great advice to remember. Don't babyproof... If God wants Nathaniel to live, he'll make that happen. And black people think shoes are good for you. I never put shoes on him. They are too much of a hassle to get on. haha. And the kid loves to stand, so it's just easier with his little bare feet.

  7. Wow. You and Kristen make me scared! I feel so bad for you guys. I will never understand why people think it is their place to give unwarranted advice... Nathaniel and Liam are going to be just fine! You are the only one who knows what is best for him. That is why Heavenly Father gave him to you and Jesse. I hope his sleep schedule gets better soon!

  8. Go girl!

    (i hope I haven't said anything to offend you! I know I gave you some night routine advice, but I just want you to get some sleep, mama!)

    1. You have not offended me! We have been using your advice! I think it's slowly working too!
