Friday, January 4, 2013


It's been a while since I blogged.  Things haven't changed much.  Nathaniel is growing.  He is smiling all the time now.  But he won't let me get it on camera.  Not even on the video camera.  He can be smiling and jumping and having a grand old time, but by the time I get the camera out, he has an angry look on his face.  Oh well, one of these days I'll get it.

Here's a bit of a cute smile:

Nathaniel has also decided that sleeping at night is not for him.  And sleeping for 3-4 hour stretches isn't for him anymore.  He likes to scream sometime between the hours of 11 pm and 3 am before finally going to sleep.  Then he likes to wake up an hour-and-a-half later.  Maybe two.  It's pretty awesome, especially since I'm back at work now.  Who needs sleep?  I do.  Like seriously, I've never been able to function on less than at least 7 hours, and even that's rough.

I am so glad and grateful that Nathaniel gets to come to work with me, but it's definitely harder than I thought it would be.  He sleeps quite a bit, which is good and bad.  It's good because when he's sleeping I can actually work.  It's bad because if he sleeps all day then he won't sleep at night.  He wouldn't sleep in the old Pack 'n Play I had, so we bought a new one with the newborn napper.  He sleeps better in there.  But I still feel like I have to do my work in between nursing him, which is ALL THE TIME.  This kid is a beast!  He eats so much I don't know how he fits it all in his little tummy.  But he's growing lots, so I guess he needs all that nourishment.  And he's up to 11 pounds 5 ounces as of his 2-month check-up.

Here he is in his classy work atire:
 Newborn Napper:

Nursing is quite demanding.  You just gotta feed that kid when he wants to eat.  He doesn't care what you are doing or if you've even had the chance to eat all day.  He wants to eat now!  But believe me, I'm so glad that I am able to nurse him now, even if he fights me or screams 50% of the time I try to latch him.  I'm not sure why he does that.  He knows how to eat. 

Nathaniel has started to actually like his bouncer.  He even looks at the light-up waterfall and kicks his feet around, all while smiling.  It's super cute.  But after a little while I think it's sensory overload and he is just done.  And then he gets really angry.  But in a cute way.

He used to just sit there and stare at my filing cabinet intently:

He also loves baths and diaper changes now.  It makes changing his diaper so much easier.  He still kicks his feet around, but he smiles the whole time.  He has blowouts like every day now.  And then he smiles the whole time like he played a prank.

He looooves his daddy:

He likes watching movies:

I've kind of tapered off on the weight loss thing.  I can wear some of my pre-pregnancy jeans, but they are a little uncomfortable.  I decided to use my Kohl's gift card to find me some bigger jeans.  Bad idea.  I tried on every pair of jeans in that store.  OK, in the women's and juniors sections.  Anyway, none of those jeans fit me right or looked remotely good, so I just got all depressed and went back to my one pair of jeggings that fit me because they are stretchy.  I like them, but I don't want to wear them every day.  Luckily, Jesse talked me into trying on some jeans at Walmart.  Turns out, they fit and looked pretty good.  And they are like 13-15 bucks.  So if I do ever lose a few more pounds and the jeans are too big, then I didn't pay much for them.

No more, I'm done.

Christmas was good.  Jesse got me way more than I got him, as usual.  I got a video camera, a new Chi, some board games (no one wants to play Risk with me!  And I've never played before), a Kohl's gift card, new clothes, new make-up, and plenty of other awesome stuff. Oh, and Kindergarten Cop on DVD.  That movie is still awesome 13 years later.  I got Jesse The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises, some jeans, some shirts, and a pretty cool remote control plane.  And he got a grill!  Nathaniel got more gifts than anyone.  In a few months when he is ready to play with interactive toys he will be set!

We spent Christmas Eve with my family and then the rest of the week in Marianna with Jesse's family.  We did fireworks on New Year's Eve and I was so worried about Nathaniel's little ears.  He didn't even care about the noise.  He jumped a tiny bit at first, but then he just stared at the fireworks.  He loves lights.  He also loved the sparklers and Roman Candles.  He definitely got some Williams genes there.

Anyway, Jesse starts Chemistry next week.  This means that Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights he has class, and Tuesday nights he still has Young Men's.  So I'm probably going to be feeling lonely.  And then Nathaniel is probably going to scream at me for the whole time Jesse's gone.  And then be all happy and smiley when he gets home.  Should be fun.

Here's some more cute pictures of Nathaniel.


  1. That stinks with his sleeping schedule at night!! It is amazing what little sleep us mamas can function on. Do you guys start a bath time routine at all? We usually start bath time around 8:30-9 and by 10pm, most nights, Ellie is out for the night until like 6 or 7. I know, hate me. But it took weeks to get her there. Even when we started bath at 8:30, she would still wake up every 2-3 hours, but it slowly got longer and longer until she would wake up. Now, I can't function if she wakes up earlier than 5 or 6!! I would definitely suggest that. I think babies just get so dang tired at the end of the day, that the more we try and get them to sleep, they just won't have it. Just a suggestion. I'm sure everyone is like, well try this, or do this. I'm just saying what has helped us! and I think mama to mama, we can give advice and try and help each other not be so sleep deprived!

    Good work in the nursing department! He is a chunk!!!!

  2. I happy nursing is going a whole lot better. He is just getting cuter and cuter every day. FYI Chris and I love Risk, we have the Lord of the Rings version... I know nerdy. Also, Kindergarten Cop is awesome, whenever it's on TV we always watch it. Since I don't have school anymore my nights are free so on those Tuesday nights if you need some extra hands you know who to call =)

  3. I always heard that babies start sleeping better around 12 or 13 lbs because they stop needing food so often. That was true for Preston. I would recommend the bath thing too. It might take a while for it to kick in, but it helped us. I hope he starts sleeping soon! Also, we have that same newborn napper and blanket. haha.

  4. We actually started a bath routine but then the holidays threw it all off. We're trying to establish it again. The only problem is that he loves baths but when we take him out he screams like crazy. Not very calming...

  5. Love the pictures! He is such a stud. I don't have any advice one the sleeping or the nursing, or anything really aside from stuff like...Don't shake the baby. That's all I got over here. :) And you found your Risk partners!! Kendal and Chris will be perfect. Yay!
