Sunday, March 17, 2013

Last St. Patrick's Day

I went to the Relief Society breakfast and had some delicious crepes.  While there, I told all of my PCOS woes to Mandy and Samantha. Then I went home and Jesse and I watched an awesomely bad Nicholas Cage movie.  We decided to go to the gym.  Before we left for the gym I went ahead and took my weekly pregnancy test.  Since I wasn't having a period and I was trying to get pregnant, I just took them every Saturday to reassure myself that I wasn't pregnant each week I went longer without a period.  This day was different and the test showed two lines.  I took three more tests and then Jesse and I went to the gym.  Then we celebrated that evening with vegan (ish) burritos from Chipotle (and they weren't that great).  And now I've got a four-month-old.  I can't believe how fast time really has flown.


  1. So crazy!! That doesn't even feel like a year ago. Happy St. Patricks day :)

  2. I love that you know exactly the day you found out. So much fun.

  3. so perfect! can't believe how fast time flies!

  4. Bahahahahaha! I totally read the title as "St. Patricks Day" instead of "Last St. Patricks Day" lolololol. I was so confused for a sec! Time flies!
