Friday, November 1, 2013

Gotta Get Back in Time

I've been planning our family Halloween costume for about a year, ever since Nathaniel was born.  When I was pregnant, my mom gave me a 12-month outfit that consisted of overalls and a red vest.  The vest made me think of Back to the Future, which happens to be a favorite of ours, especially Jesse.  I thought it would be a pretty easy costume for Nathaniel, and Jesse and I could join in too.

Nathaniel would definitely be Marty, Jesse would be the Doc, and I would either be Marty's mom or the DeLorean.  Or maybe the stroller could be the DeLorean.  As Halloween got closer, I decided to just go with Marty's mom because I didn't want to wear a box.  We decided last minute not to go to our ward's Trunk or Treat activity, due to it being on Nathaniel's birthday, which was also his first birthday party (still need to blog that one...).  We just had too much to do and considered just shelving the idea until next year, hoping that two-year-old Nathaniel would still want to be Marty McFly and not some lame kid cartoon or something.  As long as we showed him the movie, we knew he'd have to go for it.

Anyway, we decided to give Trick or Treating a try and tagged along with BethAnn and Zach in the Burtons' neighborhood.  On a hayride.  Overall, it was a success, but Nathaniel was definitely getting cranky after a while.  It was close to his bedtime.  And we were all hot.  We thought maybe it would get cold, so I put a long-sleeve shirt on Nathaniel, I was wearing a cardigan, and poor Jesse was wearing a hazmat suit!  We were wrong.  This is Florida after all.  Nathaniel did enjoy walking up to houses and carrying around a piece of candy.  And he just looked so cute!

Jesse surprised us all with his skills and made a DeLorean for Nathaniel, complete with a flux capacitor.  He made it out of a box and put it over Nathaniel's new John Deere tractor he got for his birthday.  It even lights up!  He had planned on hooking up some speakers to it and playing the movie soundtrack, but the CD didn't come in time.  I think he's living out his childhood dreams.

Side note: white hair paint does not work well.  Had I known, we would've just gotten Jesse a wig.  Poor guy, I wouldn't let him cut his hair until after Halloween.  It has gotten pretty long, so I figured it would work well.


  1. This is seriously amazing!!!! That deplore an!!! Everything turned out so great. Best first Halloween ever (last year really doesn't count...)

  2. That is a great costume! Next year I expect Jesse to make shoes and a jacket that shrink to fit and dry themselves. ...Or is he chicken?

    1. We were actually talking about that and how we could make the DeLorean fly! hahaha

  3. I came back to say I've been singing "gotta get back in time! Get back in time! Get back in time..." Going on three days now...

  4. Love it!! Seriously wouldn't expect anything less than this. I just hope one year you guys do the Labrynith!

    1. Ah yes! I've totally thought about that idea and how we could carry it out. Probably would've been easier to do it with Nathaniel as the baby and Jesse as the Goblin King, but I bet we could find a different costume for Jesse and have Nathaniel be the Goblin King!
