Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Evelyn's 7th, 8th, and 9th Months

9-month stats:
Weight: 18 pounds 9 ounces (55th %)
Height: 28.25 inches (75th %)
Head Circumference: 17.25 inches (60th %)

So, I'm a little behind. We went to Utah and Arizona for two weeks right after Evelyn hit 7 months. So I'll blame it on that. And then when we got back to town, Evelyn threw my phone on the floor at Chick-fil-A and we can't get the pictures off. So I'm missing a chunk there. Anywho, I'll do my best to recap what I can remember.

Evelyn's 7th month was full of her attempts at crawling. She could roll all over the place. She figured out how to rock back and forth on her hands and knees, and she was thrilled. One week shy of 8 months she started crawling and trying to pull up! (Same exact time as Nate) Within a few days she could pull herself up to standing, and so that's how she lived her life. This of course came with lots of falls and bonks. Poor girl.

We started giving her less purees and more table foods at the end of month 7. She's all about food and she loves to feed herself. She loves Cheerio's (she gets frantic when she sees the box), black beans, white beans, green beans, peas, mandarin oranges, bananas, blueberries, strawberries, avocado, yogurt, and she doesn't mind sweet potatoes and noodles. She eats more than Nate at any meal. Sometimes she finishes off his food.

During months 8 and 9, she continued perfecting her crawling and pulling-up skills. She is super fast! She also got a lot better about not falling all the time. We also found out she can climb an entire flight of stairs on her own! She was so happy with herself. And she did it twice! Strong girl.

She's still a happy, sweet girl, but she's been having some bouts of crankiness lately. No idea why. She still has no teeth, though she's been exhibiting teething behavior for six months. She's still a great sleeper (12+ hours a night with no wake-ups), but she's been fighting going to bed more.

She loves to squeeze stuffed animals and smash her face into pillows and blankets. She also started bouncing to music and it's adorable.

She's a total mommy's girl. She gets super clingy and nurses for comfort. A lot. She likes to play on the floor with toys, but half the time when I set her down she freaks out. Sometimes when I hand her to Jesse she freaks out. She will reach out and grab on to whatever she can get (my shirt, my hair). If I am out of the room and then come into the room, she will immediately start fussing and crawling frantically toward me. If I'm laying on the floor and Nate starts climbing on me, she will drop whatever she's doing and come crawling over to me fussing and try to get between Nate and me. I can't say I hate it, but every once in a while, I wouldn't mind handing her off for a minute to get something done!

Oh, and she ALWAYS has her two fingers (index and middle) in her mouth. When she's sleepy, cranky, hungry, when she just woke up. It's cute, but I hope it doesn't become a problem down the road. She started this around 5 or 6 months out of the blue. When her hands aren't in her mouth, they're in mine. I think she wants to be a dentist.

She has slowed down on the weight gain. Pretty sure it's due to all the mobility. She's wearing mostly 9-12 month clothes, but some things I put her in are 18 months. I think they run small. She's in size 3 diapers, but I still throw a 2 on her sometimes, and they fit her just fine.

1 comment:

  1. Little miss Evelyn is an absolute DOLL. And those headbands are killing it. Lol about the Cheerios. Girl knows what's up. And that is a major bummer about your phone :((
